Blog: Learn Programming


Today, it's easy to start learning programming. There is so much information available. At the same time, it can also be hard to start, because of this same reason! "So much information, where do I start?!"

Back in the 80's, it wasn't the same story. Most people would learn coding using the BASIC language. It was widely supported by most PCs of the time and it was easy to use.

Here are some tips to get started.

1) Determine Your Purpose and Target

You must determine "why" you want to learn programming. Is it for fun? Or is it for a job? Are you targeting a specific computer or device? Or do you want to program for the Web? Do you have much time available or are you on a tight schedule? Be as specific and write a list of your needs.

2) Choose a Programming Language

You have to decide which programming language you want to learn. A quick look at Wikipedia will show you that there are hundreds of languages out there!

It's important to pick only one to start. You could learn of one of the most popular languages. The TIOBE Index shows the latest trends in the world of programming. As of this writing, the top 10 languages are: Python, C++, Java, C, C#, JavaScript, Visual Basic, Go, SQL, Fortran.

Make sure that when you select a language, it checks all the needs you determined.

3) Setup Your Development Environment

Each programming language requires a structure, a way to write and execute code. For example, if you are learning C# or Visual Basic, you need to download a code editor and compiler, like Visual Studio. You will need to find how to write a simple program (often called Hello World) to make sure that your development environment is ready to go. Take note that this process can be tedious when beginning (depending on which language you choose), but do not give up!

4) Look for Tutorials and Online Classes

There are plenty of ways to learn programming. You will find videos on YouTube or classes on specialized sites like Udemy. Look also for starter programming guides and downloadable examples with source code.

5) Experiment

The best way to learn is to get your hands into the action. Write different short programs and expand your knowledge as you go. Why not make something fun in the process, like writing a little game. Check out Alien Alley, it's a great example of a space shooter arcade game!

Final Thoughts

Maybe you would prefer to go back in time when things were simpler and BASIC was the only option? Well, we can't time travel, but here is a solution for you. You can learn programming using our D2Soft Engine and start in matter of minutes! Our engine allows you to program using a BASIC-like scripting language that is easy to learn and use. There's no download required: everything is hosted online. Simply Get Started and browse our Tutorials to learn more.

We hope that you have fun while learning programming!

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