
List of keywords supported by the D2Soft Engine. Most of them are inspired by the BASIC programming language. Click on a keyword in the list to learn more.

Keyword Description
_OBJECT Represents the object that called a SUB.
ALPHA Sets transparency value of an object.
AND Boolean operator.
BGCOLOR Defines the background color.
BUTTON Displays a button as an image with optional text.
CIRCLE Draws a circle.
COLLIDE Returns true if two objects are overlapping.
CONSOLE Adds logging information to the console.
DEBUG Enables debug details.
DIM Declares a variable.
DISABLE Disables an object for events.
DRAG Activates dragging of an object.
ELSE Optionally used with the IF keyword.
ENABLE Enables an object for events.
END IF Marks the end of a IF.
END PIXELART Disables pixel art style.
END SUB Marks the end of a SUB.
FALSE Boolean constant.
FLIP Flips image upside down.
HIDE Hides an object.
IF Executes a statement or statement block depending on specified conditions.
IMAGE Displays an image on screen.
LET Assigns a variable name to an object.
LINE Draws a line.
MIRROR Mirrors an image horizontally.
MOVE Move an object on screen.
MUSIC Plays a music.
NOT Boolean operator.
ON CLICK Executes a SUB on a click event.
ON COLLIDE Executes a SUB on a collide event.
ON DRAG Executes a SUB on a drag event.
ON OVER Executes a SUB on an over event.
ON PRESS Executes a SUB on a press event.
ON RELEASE Executes a SUB on a release event.
OR Boolean operator.
PIXELART Enables pixel art style so that any image added following this statement will look blocky.
POSX Returns the X position of the specified object.
POSY Returns the Y position of the specified object.
QUIT Ends the execution of the current script.
RECT Draws a rectangle.
RELOAD Reloads current level.
REM Marks text as a comment.
RND Returns a random integer.
ROTATE Rotates an image by a specified angle.
SCALE Scales an object.
SET TEXT Update text of an object.
SET VOICE Defines a voice to use for text-to-speech.
SHOW Shows an object.
SLEEP Forces a delay of time.
SOUND Plays a sound.
STOP DRAG Stops dragging of an object.
STOP MUSIC Stops the music.
STR Converts an integer to a string.
SUB Defines a sub procedure to be called and execute parts of code.
TEXT Displays text on screen.
THEN Used with the IF keyword.
TOP Puts object on top of all other objects.
TRUE Boolean constant.
VALUE Set or get a value to an object.
VISIBLE Returns true if the object is visible.
VOICE Turns text into natural-sounding speech (text-to-speech).
WAIT Forces all commands to be executed before any additional code is run.
ZONE Set an interactive rectangle that is not visible.