CROP IMAGE keyword
Gets part of an image and use it as new image on screen. Instead of getting the whole picture like IMAGE, it crops part of an image and use it as a new image.
CROP IMAGE "image", (crop1x, crop1y)-(crop2x, crop2y), (x, y), "effect", effectvalue
- image: image key to display (required)
- crop1x: integer of horizontal position 1 (required)
- crop1y: integer of vertical position 1 (required)
- crop2x: integer of horizontal position 2 (required)
- crop2y: integer of vertical position 2 (required)
- x: integer of horizontal position
- y: integer of vertical position
- effect: possible effect
- effectvalue: integer value to customize the effect
CROP IMAGE "sun", (20, 20)-(100, 100)
CROP IMAGE "sun", (20, 20)-(100, 100), (300, 400)
CROP IMAGE "sun", (20, 20)-(100, 100), (300, 400), "fade-in"
CROP IMAGE "sun", (20, 20)-(100, 100), (300, 400), "fade-in", 4000
DIM myCroppedImage AS IMAGE
myCroppedImage = CROP IMAGE "sun", (20, 20)-(100, 100)
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