RECT keyword

Draws a rectangle.


RECT (x1, y1)-(x2, y2), color, "effect", effectvalue


  • x1: integer of horizontal position 1 (required)
  • y1: integer of vertical position 1 (required)
  • x2: integer of horizontal position 2 (required)
  • y2: integer of vertical position 2 (required)
  • color: color specified using hex value
  • effect: possible effect
  • effectvalue: integer value to customize the effect


RECT (10, 10)-(630, 100)
RECT (10, 10)-(630, 100), #FF0054
RECT (10, 10)-(630, 100), #FF0054, "fade-in"
RECT (10, 10)-(630, 100), #FF0054, "fade-in", 3000

DIM myRect AS RECTANGLE 'Notice the use of RECTANGLE (not RECT) for declaration.
myRect = RECT (10, 10)-(630, 100)

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