VOICE keyword

Turns text into natural-sounding speech (text-to-speech). SET VOICE must be used before using VOICE to setup audio features.


VOICE "string", "wait"


  • string: text, max length of 300 chars. Adding in the text "--", "---" or "----" make a pause of 200ms, 400ms and 600ms. Only string with chars allowed, cannot use a string variable or expression. (required)
  • wait: set "wait" to wait for voice to end when calling the WAIT command (default). Set "no-wait" will not wait.


VOICE "Welcome to my app"           ' Plays the voice

VOICE "Welcome to my app", "wait"
WAIT ' Voice must complete before continuing further

VOICE "Welcome to my app", "no-wait"
WAIT ' Code execution will continue even if voice is still playing

VOICE "This is a ---- long pause" ' Apply a pause

VOICE {"Welcome"|[FR]"Bienvenue"} ' Multilingual: language is selected according to the player's language

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