Terms of Use

By using our service, you (the User) accept the following terms.

All content provided on this Site (and Services) is owned by D2Soft Technologies Inc. (D2Soft). All user content (User Content), including source code and custom assets, that is created or uploaded by the User by using this Service is owned by User, but D2Soft reserves the right to verify and delete any User Content that does not follow User Content guidelines. D2Soft grants the User the right to explicitly use its Content and Services (see Limited Rights). User is not allowed to use any of the Site's, Service's or App's Content outside of its normal use from within D2Soft's site and its sharing functionalities.

Limited Rights
D2Soft offers the rights to the User to sharing applications, screenshots, images or videos of the Site's, Service's or App's content for personal usage or commercial usage (when the User subscribe to this Service), including sharing apps, images and videos on websites and social medias. The User retains the rights to delete any of its work (code and assets). D2Soft can however delete any of the User’s work that doesn’t comply with these Terms of Service.

All users of the site must behave properly. D2Soft likes to maintain a friendly service. If a User behave badly (inappropriate language, racial or violent comments, sexual or pornographic content, illegal content, copyrighted content, etc.), access to the Site and Service can be revoked without notice or refund.

User Content
Any inappropriate content (inappropriate language, racial or violent comments, sexual or pornographic content, illegal content, copyrighted content, etc.), from the User or its users through the User's account, will result in the User's account being disabled and/or subscription cancelled without prior notice (no refund will be allowed). The User is fully responsible for its content using our technology.

This Service is designed for programmers (from beginners to experts), professionals and businesses, students and schools. Content and Apps created on this Service must be accessible to a family audience (General Audiences).

Personal Data
This Service requests personal information and data to be able to provide a personalized experience. This data is used only within our Site, Service and Apps. D2Soft doesn't share personal data except if allowed by User.

Shared Data
As part of this Site, some data can be made public. The User can opt-out of sharing its data (in case the User has an active Subscription).

Account Security
For the security of the User, it is never allowed to share an Account with another User. Each User needs a paid Subscription in order to use our Service. The User must keep its password and other sensitive information private at all time.

The User must subscribe to our Service in order to use our Site, Service and Apps. A recurring subscription is required. By subscribing, the User accepts that D2Soft bills the User each month for the same amount until the User decides to cancel its subscription (see Unsubscribe). D2Soft guarantees that the User's subscription price will not increase as long as the User is subscribed and completes the payments on time. Subscription prices are subject to change. D2Soft uses third-party service PayPal to manage subscriptions.

Payment must be paid in full (on a monthly basis) in advance by the User (Subscriber). The Service is made available to the Account only once a payment is completed and approved. Late or delayed payments will result in service interruption for the Account until the payment is completed. Furthermore, if a payment delays for an extended period of time (passed 3 days), it can result in the automatic cancellation of the subscription. The User takes full responsibility to make sure that its payments are completed on time and keep valid credit card information on file.

If the User wants to cancel its subscription, the User must visit PayPal's site. The User can cancel at any time. After cancelling, the User will still have access to its Account until any paid time-period is still valid, after which it will not be able to access the Service or Apps.

As a Subscriber, the User is fully responsible to cancel its subscription when the Service is no longer required. No refund on paid subscriptions can be received.

Service Updates
D2Soft does regular updates to its Service. D2Soft always make sure that they are transparent for its users, as much as possible. It can happen that updates to the Scripting Language of the service can require code update by the User. It is important that the User follows the latest news about the Service on this page.

Unintentional Outages
The User understands that D2Soft Engine is an online service that can be affected by unintentional outages like dropped Internet connections, power outage or hardware failure. In case of failures, D2Soft will do everything in its power to fix them and will always prioritize all our resources to correct the situation in a reasonable amount of time. Note however that D2Soft cannot be held responsible for any problem or lack of access resulting by such outages. No credit and no extended service are allowed.

Terms Update
These terms can and will be updated from time to time. Please refer back to them when needed. In case of missing information, these terms will be updated to reflect the most recent offerings by D2Soft.